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We strive to provide continuous positivity and growth through technology.

Our team

Lindsay Rogers

Lead Administrative/Co-owner

Lindsay is a co-owner who handles the financial, management, and marketing side of JELtech. Lindsay’s originally from Columbus, Ohio, but moved to Pikeville, Kentucky to play soccer at Pikeville College. She graduated from the University of Pikeville with a bachelor’s degree in business administration, with an emphasis in management in 2015. While in college she met and married her husband, Chase. They have one son together. Lindsay’s goal for JELtech is to assist small businesses and their families to thrive and succeed by increasing opportunities within our growing digital and ecommerce society.

Jeremy Justice

Lead Developer/co-owner

Jeremy is a co-owner that handles the consulting, development and software projects. He has a B.S Software Development Engeneering and 32 years software and hardware development and consulting. Married to Brandi Justice, Father of Bailey and Macie Justice.